يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ ضُرِبَ مَثَلٌ
فَاسْتَمِعُوا لَهُ ۚ إِنَّ الَّذِينَ تَدْعُونَ مِن دُونِ اللَّهِ
لَن يَخْلُقُوا ذُبَابًا وَلَوِ اجْتَمَعُوا لَهُ
ۖ وَإِن يَسْلُبْهُمُ الذُّبَابُ شَيْئًا لَّا يَسْتَنقِذُوهُ مِنْهُ
ضَعُفَ الطَّالِبُ وَالْمَطْلُوبُ 22:73
O people, an example is presented, so listen to it. Indeed, those you invoke besides Allah
will never create [as much as] a fly,even if they gathered together for that purpose. And if the fly should steal away from them a [tiny] thing, they could not recover it from him.Weak are the pursuer and pursued.
First Step: The location at Cairo of the ArabLeague
Headquarters causes the confusion that Arabs are the descendents of daughter of
the NILE. The pagan society, which has been evolved by the free masons and
promotes free sex, traces genealogy by the mother.
However, the religion of Allah traces genealogy, due to purity of sex, through the father. The Arabs are
descendents of ISMAIL,(pbuh) resident of MAKKAH, who was the son of IBRAHIM(pbuh) and
brother of ISAAQ.(pbuh)
It is, therefore, advisable that the Arab League
headquarter be shifted immediately to MAKKAH.
Since, besides, the difference between Arabs and Non Arabs stands
nullified after the Prophet’s sermon delivered on the occasion of his last
Hajj, membership of the Arab League should be extended to all Muslim states,
with simultaneous change of its name to Al-Jameeat-ul-Islamia.
Likewise, the O.I.C. should, being a similar
organization, be immediately merged into the proposed Al-Jameeat-ul-Islamia.
Second Step: The Saudi Government should identify and rehabilitate the places
where the MEETHAQ-ALMADINA and the HUDAIBIA-PACT were signed/solemnized. A MASJID with a conference hall should be
built at the site of the HUDAIBIA PACT whose history should be recorded in
prominent place. In case the site of
MEETHAQ-ALMADINA falls inside the MASJID-ALNABVI, a suitable hall should be
marked for the purpose. Otherwise, a
MASJID and conference hall should be built on its site. It would be in the fitness of things that the
Religious Leaders of Jews and Christians are invited to visit the site of
MEETHAQ-ALMADINA where first ever treaty was signed.
Third Step: The foundation of a new university (Jameah Khazaen Al-Ardh)
should be laid on the site of BEIRO OTHMAN and the faculties of all subjects
pertaining to the land resources
(underground as well as surface) should be established there.
Fourth Step: The prayer areas of the two holy Masajid should be divided each
into five sections, namely Education, Justice, Defence, Commerce and
Executive/Government. Besides, a set of
five imams should be named to lead daily prayers in each Masjid whereby each
imam would, while leading one of the five daily prayers, head one of the five FACULTIES. An imam must have the qualifications
requisite for his FACULTY, besides being well-versed in the knowledge of the
SHARIA and be named for a two-year tenure, including the first year as Naib
Imam. While one of the Naib Imams
should, on the occasion of Haj each year, be named from amongst the citizens of
Saudi Arabia, four Naib Imams
should be elected from among the citizens of other
Muslim countries. The five Imams should elect one of them as AMEER every year
and the Muslims performing Umra and Hajj should join the sections/faculties of
their choice to develop contacts in their professions, thereby promoting Muslim
brotherhood for sharing common cultural values and practices.
As the capitalist,
acting as promoter/administrator, invests a minimal/nominal amount of his own
in the business (obtaining major funding at concessional interest rates) but is entitled to retain
full profit and be liable, in the case
of loss, only to the extent of his share holding, the underlying system
is inherently oppressive and unjust. It
is, therefore, time to introduce a new ECONOMIC MODEL for replacing the secular
codes of capitalism which, due to its irrational structure, stands grounded
since the very beginning of the 21st century.
The banks secure deposits
from the general public against promise to pay interest at fixed rates without
guaranteeing the face value of the pertinent currency prevailing in the
international market at the time the money was deposited. In case, therefore, of devaluation of
currency, the depositors lose the net worth of their deposits to the extent of
devaluation. As happened with the US $,
while 87 cents of a $ were equal to one Euro in 2001, $ 1.4925 is equal to one
Euro today. Practically, thus the $ has
lost 58.29% of original worth. All this
is a result of credit based economy and loan based investment.
As far as the war
on terror is concerned, its real cost has been passed on to the countries with
US Dollar - based reserves or currencies but, interestingly, the currencies of
most European NATO members were, in the year 2000, delinked from the Dollar by
floating the Euro as a common EU currency.
24th November, 2009
Very good day,
This is to invite your attention towards the
desirability, in today’s World__ where no one, be it a super power or a
super-populated nation, is in a position to influence events __ of an inter-state
alliance for the resolution of regional and global issues.
The present time demands a new World Order achievable
through a Global Alliance of Jews, Christians and Muslims who need to get
their vision adjusted to the logic of events as they have unfolded in the
beginning of the 21st century.
If, thus, the believers
correct their course to pursue such values as conform with God’s universal
plan, design and order, they will be rewarded with world leadership. Otherwise, Nature will, for the correction of
course, permit the evil to gather momentum and rush with fury to a WAR ON THE
BELIEVERS who will suffer substantial loss before reuniting to once again play
a role on the world stage.
While the human beings have been waging bloody wars to
block the transformation of one Culture/World Order into another, the forces of
nature have continued for millennia to smoothly and peacefully transform day
into night and darkness into light. I, therefore, request the sons of Ibrahim (Peace be upon him) to learn from nature
and be united for replacing the illuminati World Order of the Industrial
Culture era with a New World Order for the I.T. Culture era.
Having been blessed with a crystal clear vision of the
centuries ahead, coupled with the expertise to develop a practical shape of the
I.T. Culture, my suggestions are not only compatible with the prevalent
democratic system but also have an
inbuilt mechanism for the evolution of I.T. Culture in accordance with the
divine order and design. In this context,
briefs of the fundamental principles of “IN GOD WE TRUST”, Constitution,
Smart Government and Structure of I.T. Culture Government are
Since, besides, the United Nations (UN) has unfortunately
failed to maintain global peace and its subsidiary organs have been unable to
achieve their respective objectives, we need, on the one hand, to replace the
UN with a new World Organization of the Nations (WON) and on the other,
establish new subsidiary organs, namely GRACE, GOOD, JOIN, TOP and PACT, a
brief of the fundamental principles of each of which is also enclosed.
Hoping we can all join hands to develop an inbuilt
mechanism for Global Peace in the New World Order,
Sincerely yours,
And you will
find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those who say: We are the
Christians. That is because amongst them priests and monks and they are not
proud. Verse-82
لَتَجِدَنَّ أَشَدَّ النَّاسِ عَدَاوَةً لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الْيَهُودَ وَالَّذِينَ أَشْرَكُوا ۖ وَلَتَجِدَنَّ أَقْرَبَهُم مَّوَدَّةً لِّلَّذِينَ آمَنُوا الَّذِينَ قَالُوا إِنَّا نَصَارَىٰ ۚ ذَٰلِكَ بِأَنَّ مِنْهُمْ قِسِّيسِينَ وَرُهْبَانًا وَأَنَّهُمْ لَا يَسْتَكْبِرُونَ
Verily, this brotherhood of yours is a single nation and I
am your lord and cherisher. Therefore serve me. Verse-92
إِنَّ هَٰذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاعْبُدُونِ
And we gave Moses the book, in order
that they might receive guidance. Verse-49
And we made the son of Mary and his
mother as a sign. We gave them both shelter on high ground, affording
rest and security, and furnished
it with springs. Verse-50
And verily this Ummah (Brotherhood)
of yours is a single nation.
وَجَعَلْنَا ابْنَ مَرْيَمَ وَأُمَّهُ آيَةً وَآوَيْنَاهُمَا إِلَىٰ رَبْوَةٍ ذَاتِ قَرَارٍ وَمَعِينٍ
وَإِنَّ هَٰذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاتَّقُونِ
dispute ye not With the People of the Book, Except with means better (Than mere
disputation), unless It be with those of them Who inflict wrong (and injury),
But say, “We believe In the revelation which has Come down to us and in that
Which came down to you; Our God and your God Is One; and it is to Him We
bow. Verse-46
وَلَا تُجَادِلُوا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ إِلَّا بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ إِلَّا الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا مِنْهُمْ ۖ وَقُولُوا آمَنَّا بِالَّذِي أُنزِلَ إِلَيْنَا وَأُنزِلَ إِلَيْكُمْ وَإِلَٰهُنَا وَإِلَٰهُكُمْ وَاحِدٌ وَنَحْنُ لَهُ مُسْلِمُونَ
24th November, 2009
The Honourable
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Very good day,
This is to invite your attention towards the
desirability, in today’s World__ where no one, be it a super power or a
super-populated nation, is in a position to influence events __ of an inter-state
alliance for the resolution of regional and global issues.
The present time demands a new World Order achievable
through a Global Alliance of Jews, Christians and Muslims who need to get
their vision adjusted to the logic of events as they have unfolded in the
beginning of the 21st century.
If, thus, the believers
correct their course to pursue such values as conform with God’s universal
plan, design and order, they will be rewarded with world leadership. Otherwise, Nature will, for the correction of
course, permit the evil to gather momentum and rush with fury to a WAR ON THE
BELIEVERS who will suffer substantial loss before reuniting to once again play
a role on the world stage.
While the human beings have been waging bloody wars to
block the transformation of one Culture/World Order into another, the forces of
nature have continued for millennia to smoothly and peacefully transform day
into night and darkness into light. I, therefore, request the sons of Ibrahim (Peace
be upon him) to learn from
nature and be united for replacing the illuminati World Order of the Industrial
Culture era with a New World Order for the I.T. Culture era.
Having been blessed with a crystal clear vision of the
centuries ahead, coupled with the expertise to develop a practical shape of the
I.T. Culture, my suggestions are not only compatible with the prevalent
democratic system but also have an
inbuilt mechanism for the evolution of I.T. Culture in accordance with the divine
order and design. In this context,
briefs of the fundamental principles of “IN GOD WE TRUST”, Constitution,
Smart Government and Structure of I.T. Culture Government are
Since, besides, the United Nations (UN) has unfortunately
failed to maintain global peace and its subsidiary organs have been unable to
achieve their respective objectives, we need, on the one hand, to replace the
UN with a new World Organization of the Nations (WON) and on the other,
establish new subsidiary organs, namely GRACE, GOOD, JOIN, TOP and PACT, a
brief of the fundamental principles of each of which is also enclosed.
Hoping we can all join hands to develop an inbuilt
mechanism for Global Peace in the New World Order,
Sincerely yours,
As the basic
principles of the Illuminati were not workable smoothly in a society grounded
in secret occults and hidden mottos, the society regulators adopted, for
synchronizing the relevant economic model with the ideology of the majority,
the motto “IN GOD WE TRUST”. The
consequent activation of the pertinent code generated, in the believers, an
unmatchable trust in the system which greatly strengthened the economy.
Adam Weishaupt
(founder of the Illuminati) used alpha numeric values 6, 11 & 13 with multi-faceted
metonym codes 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 to devise the New World Order. However, the society regulators who adopted
the motto “IN GOD WE TRUST” realised neither its compatibility with multi
metonym codes 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 nor the mutual incompatibility of codes 3
& 9 with codes 1, 5 & 7.
Accordingly, the compatibility of codes 1, 5 & 7 with the motto “IN
GOD WE TRUST” cleared the way for the believers to freely practice their Faith.
As a
consequence, when the evolution of multi metonym codes was, with the motto “IN
GOD WE TRUST”, at its peak during the Industrial Culture Era, the believers
were motivated to wage a holy war to disintegrating the Soviet Union which had
symbolized the ideology of the non-believers (Secular/Atheist).
The process of
evolution, thus, not only transformed the Industrial Culture into I.T. Culture
but also helped, through the believers’
gradual control of society, the evolution of PROLEPTIC CODES whereby the fear of the secular was employed
as a cause of the WAR ON FEAR which was named as the WAR ON TERROR. In year 2001 87 cents of US Dollar was equal
to one Euro, while today US$ 1.4925 is equal to one Euro. As far as the war on terror is concerned, its
real cost has been passed on to the countries with US Dollar - based reserves
or currencies but, interestingly, the currencies of most European NATO members
were, in the year 2000, delinked from the Dollar by floating the Euro as a
common EU currency.
While the
strongest colonial country was, on account of the adoption of the best economic
model of the time, the dominant global power during the Agriculture Era, things
changed in the Industrial Culture Era and the country with efficient modern
industry and space technology became, by adopted the best economic model
suitable for that Era, the dominant global power.
Just as FAITH (true knowledge) is, in the I.T. Culture
era, far superior to might, mind is far more powerful than machine. Therefore, the metonym codes of I.T. Culture
for global power are 0, 1, 2, 5, 7 and the pair, in creature, and contrast, in
nature, are the demand of time, requiring the adoption of new codes.
In this context, every country can, for example, be in
a position to save millions of Dollars by simply redesigning the traffic
signals in pair/contrast (red and green) to delete the warning signal (yellow) and
conserve the energy consumed in traffic
control to the extent of 30 %. Therefore,
the form of government suitable for, and compatible with, the IT Culture is
such broad-based institutional democracy as conforms with human faculties by
entailing four institutions Education, Commerce, Defence, and Justice with one executive body.
Economic benefits underlie
all successful Unions of peoples and nations bound together in relationships
envisaging mutual necessity. However,
economic advancement is possible only when the prevailing economic system is,
instead of being in conflict with the ideology and religious reservations of
the masses, harmonious with their aspirations.
The economic model suitable for the global power
ascendant in the I.T. Culture needs to entail the codes 0, 1, 2, 5 & 7 and
make sure that all entities must exist above one, with those below one being
de-registered and disallowed to continue their operations, thereby
transforming, in a reasonable period of time, all investments from loans to
In the case of the really needy citizens, a
system of loans will be introduced with the guiding principle of “payable when
able”. The present economic system
based on the principle of supply and demand will, thus, be transformed into one
built on commodity reserves (stores for consumption) and the society will be
reorganised for the promotion of compulsory savings. Dependence on past saving is much better than
mortgaging the future.
We the people of God, who profess to follow the teaching and
practice, ordained by true GOD, of Abraham (PBUH) and his descendent prophets, hereby
express our firm desire to establish a Global Alliance of Jews, Christians and
Muslins whereby each state guarantees, through the people’s right of self
determination, peace and prosperity for mankind as enshrined in our common
belief “IN GOD WE TRUST”.
Good, Right and Truth.
Evil, Wrong and
1, 2, 5, 7
The word disapproved in the verse is ‘ra’ina’ which was used by the Muslims to
mean “Please look at us, attend to us” but was, by a little twist, employed by
the enemies, for insulting the prophet,
to suggest the meaning “our shepherd”. Therefore, the Holy Book suggests an
unambiguous word with the same meaning, unzurna. The general lesson is that we must guard
ourselves against the cynical trick of using words which sound complimentary
but connote a hidden barb.
When, accordingly, Prophet MUHAMMAD (peace be upon
him) entered the city of YASRAB, he changed its name to MADINA.
The word PAKISTAN is an acronym devised, during the
early forties, by the British to maintain symmetry with other names in the
region evolved on the Persian pattern (Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan,
Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, etc.).
In the western countries, the STAN part of these names
is twisted to signify the region marked as a stan group which region came under
attack from the forces who launched the war on terror.
Because, thus, the country names ending in STAN
represent an unholy phenomenon, all these Muslims countries need to change
their names and, as far as Pakistan is concerned, I venture to suggest the name
All Muslim
countries should take care of their design of coats of arm and emblems, which
represents hidden and secret motives of Masons. Eagle, Lion and other beast
images are none compatible with believer’s society. We must redesign all coats of arm and emblems.
The national
flag symbolises, through various colours, a Nation’s Ideology and social ethics,
whereby different colours represent low and high affairs, with minor differences noticed in different
For example, the
colour white represents PEACE in the context of society, LIGHT in that of the material
world and VISIOSN in human faculties.
Likewise, the
colour green signals the traffic to pass/go, signifies, through the clothing
worn by the Mujawir of shrines, slavery and identifies grass as the staple
animal food.
Since, therefore,
white and green are incompatible with each other, a slave cannot be a
It is important
to note that when, at the end of the 18th century, the truth of
industry culture unfolded itself, and the society architect saw the end of the
agriculture ERA which was based on colonialism, the Masonic global players
crafted a plan to defeat the industrial powers (Japan, Germany and Italy) and
therefore launched the two world wars.
The Masonic
global alliance designed a future world government and, to further that end, came
up with artificial borders, untenable alliances and ill-conceived
geographical/population pockets, disputes amongst the emerging independent
countries, whereby new Flags/Ideologies, fake leaderships and self dictated
history were not only thrown-up and floated but also vigorously promoted .
evidently, all flags having green strips symbolise the ongoing unfinished
projects of the global Masonic alliance, it is my earnest request to the
Government of Pakistan, as well as the Governments of other similar Islamic
countries, to redesign their flags to make them compatible with the colours of
their ideology and social ethics.
Jews, Christians and
Muslims should take care of the design codes used in their public buildings and
worship places, whether a synagogue in Jerusalem, a Church in the Vatican or
Masjid in Makkah, which are full of Masonic Symbols like Pyramid, Compass, Set
Square, Crescent, Star, Sex Act/Union Jack, Obelisk and Beast image.
Since a society
of believers can not unite in the presence of these signs, which corrupt its
ideology by offering different explanations, thereby causing unnecessary
discussion disagreement, it would be better to get rid of such signs/symbols.
Since the prevailing social contract rooted in
Industrial Culture and envisaging the trichotomy of power (vested in the
legislature, judiciary and executive) has been unable to cope with the
phenomenal speed of time, the 21st Century expects mankind to come
up with a fresh power sharing arrangement compatible with the recently-unfolded
IT Culture. Therefore, a broad-based
five-branch democratic dispensation is the only way out for a nation/country
aspiring to global leadership in the new century.
Such a government will, in conformity with universal
requirements and observable phenomena of Nature, generate a fresh social
contract to ensure the happiness and growth of every individual, group, institution
and (tier/level of) government/nation so that a strong welfare state emerges to
zealously safeguard the rights of every human being.
state will play only a supervisory role, regulating and promoting every aspect
of life through public institutions. All forms of discretionary authority
will be abolished and the spontaneity of individuals will, through planning,
foresight and co-operation, be channelled into appropriate
institutions. Public institutions will be run with citizen input provided
at all levels. The State will support initiatives, triggered by different
social forces, which will be directed to those in most need. The Government
will consist of four ministries which will be established through the
introduction of public controlled institutions intended for the welfare of the
society and citizens.
The Honourable December
8, 2009
King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Total:
1+11 Pages
Very good day,
It is regrettable that the Masajid and other public
buildings in Islamic countries depict Masonic symbols like Compass, Set Square,
Pyramid, Union Jack/Sex Act, Crescent, Stars, Eagle, Goat, Lion, Obelisk, Beast
image etc. (copy attached 7 pages). As
an example, sex act/union jack (copy attached 1 page) is found to be emblazoned
in the Masjid Nabvi and the Masjid Haram at prominent places. Surely, however, the use of such symbols is
unintentional, manifesting lack of information about Freemasons, because no
Muslim can, in his right mind, tolerate such symbols in his private home, not
to speak of a holy place like a Masjid whose decorum is uppermost in the minds
of all Muslims.
Nimrod/Pharaoh/Queen Semiramas recognized various
objects in the universe as gods and goddesses, associating each with different
attributes, and not only invoked, when facing difficult situations, their help
but also, otherwise, sought guidance from them, thus practicing
Polytheism. Such beliefs/practices
evolved, with the passage of time, into Masonic secular codes of capitalism
which were gradually popularised in the name of art and culture. In the process, the Freemasons devised
different methods for polluting the pious souls and tried to divert mankind’s
attention away from the Ultimate Creator (Allah Almighty) but such devilish
attempts have, as far as strong believers in one God are concerned, come to
Moon is a Masonic symbol which stood, in ancient
Egypt, for growth and prosperity and became, in the Christian era, an emblem of
the Virgin Mary. A careful study of
history would, thus, reveal that the astrological signs/symbols reflect anti
Islamic beliefs which view is supported by the worship, as a god, of the Moon
done in the past by the Greeks and practiced at present by the Hindus (Somnat
ka Mander).
The Masonic anti-religion forces have now disguised
themselves as devotees of the renowned artists Michael Angelo and Raphael with
intent, through the representation of their art, to deviate the believers, in
the name of fascination with art, from the right path.
Accordingly, it is imperative, in the best interest of
the Muslim Ummah, that a Fatwa be issued for the removal of such art, images
and Masonic symbols etc from the masajid and public buildings all over the
Islamic World. As to the Harmain
Shareefain, in particular, services of the undersigned, who is blessed as a society
architect, are available free of cost for identifying such objects.
Sincerely yours,
Copy to: 1) Imam Kaaba.
2) Imam Masjid Nabvi SYED AMMAR BUKHARI
3) Umm Al-Qura University
Makkah Cell: +92-321-2345617
Enclosed: 12 pages
18, 2011
His Majesty King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud,
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques,
Office of His Majesty the King, Royal Court,
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
His Royal Highness Prince Naif
bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud,
Minister of the Interior,
PO Box 2933, Airport Road Riyadh
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Dear Brother,
The moment of decision represents an auspicious occasion in the life
of men and such occasions are not repeated in the lives of nations because nature
tends to operate through the decisions made by nations. Although future is the repository of endless
possibilities, all possibilities cease with a decision which, once taken,
becomes the determinant of a destination.
Because, accordingly, the essence of nature is derived from the right
decision made at the right time, the citizens of Muslim countries need to
realize that the present time calls for such critical decisions of monumental
magnitude as are, over centuries, likely to mould the fate and shape of global
regions and nations.
LEADER through relationships based on mutual Harmony coupled with Economic
advancement. The full import of the new
world being shaped by nature is evident to men of vision. The ground of history
is being prepared for a new world order based on the Culture of Information
Technology. While the leaders of a
people charter, at the right time, a beacon for the right path, the rulers keep
them aligned with the path devised by the leaders. It is, thus, the duty of a government at all
times to give to its people the right guidance.
All Muslim Politicians, Generals, Journalists, Jurists and Mullas talk
of Democracy. But none of them knows the
metonym code, ideology code and cultural code of democracy evolved in a
Polytheistic Supra system. It is necessary for a Leader to have the knowledge
if he wishes to take up the formulation of new codes. Any leader without this
knowledge will, therefore, be disastrous for his nation. Democracy is not a constitution but a SOCIAL CONTRACT which demands a new
Supra system in consonance with the ideology, religion, resources,
opportunities and division of sovereign power in a nation. In this context, the
Leaders provide a beacon for the right path and the rulers keep the nation
aligned with the Path provided by the leader. In the process, while the Leader
never Rules over the nation, the Ruler never leads the nation.
The present era requires a broad-based Democratic dispensation suited
It will be based on public reckoning, for discipline, of all available/desirous
individuals and will ensure the evolution and administration of ideal welfare
systems of education, employment, housing, health and pension compatible with
all existing cultures and religions. This kind of system can be designed to be
practical, financially self-supporting, publically controlled and
non-burdensome for the government. The only link capable of binding the masses
and nations together on a permanent footing is a mutually harmonious economic
relationship derived from an economic system comporting with the ideology and
Cultural reservations of masses.
Fortunately, I have a crystal clear vision of the centuries ahead. Therefore, If the Saudi Arabian Nation proposes to evolve a National Institutional
Government, I volunteer to supply the knowledge required for a new
coding of corporate culture which is in consonance with the ideology, religion,
culture, resources, opportunities and division of sovereign power in Saudi
In this view of the matter, I would urge your Excellency to spare some
time for a face-to-face meeting so that the evolution and implementation of new
society codes can be explained to you in detail.
Wishing you
success as United we stand and Divided we fall,
Sincerely yours,
Syed Ammar Bukhari
Cell: +92321 2345617
April 23, 2011
Majesty King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud,
The Royal
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Dear Brother,
Attached for your kind
perusal is the module of institutional government resulting from painstaking
study and research undertaken by the undersigned over the last thirty six
years. While the module has been
designed keeping in view countries like Pakistan, Egypt, Turkey, Iraq, Yemen,
Sudan and Syria etc, it is capable of being adapted, in accordance with royal
guidance, for implementation in the GCC countries as well as Jordan, Morocco
However, if your
Excellency feels that the retention of a supervisory or executive role is
desirable in the new set-up for the royal family, the sub-system evolved from
the proposed supra system can be appropriately re-tailored. Otherwise, a different set of governance codes
can be applied while designing the intended sub-system based on the monotheism supra
Feeling strongly that the
prevailing set-up can, for welfare of the people, be conveniently transformed
into institutional government in the Muslim world, I am confident that it is
also possible to prepare new modules suited to the various regions of the
Democracy evloved
in Ploythesim (enlightement) requires the following
actions for activating the system for throughput (Adam weishaupt
the first utopian to think on a global scale(3), looked forward to the day his group would
bring about the Novus Ordo Seclorum, sometimes called the New World Order). The Illuminati had five
goals, including:
(a) Abolition of monarchies and all ordered
(b) Abolition
of private property and inheritances,
(c) Abolition of patriotism and nationalism,
(d) Abolition
of family life and the institution of marriage, and the establishment of
communal education of children,
Abolition of all religion.
however, such goals are not only incompatible with, but also negate, the do’s
and don’ts prescribed by the Almighty, the governing codes/constitutions in
Muslim countries entail constant revision/amendment and get changed, most of
the time, for the benefit of an elite ruling class.
such frequent tinkering not only renders the basic documents impracticable and
redundant but also promotes weak, but despotic and dictatorial,
governments. Dictatorships ignore public
input for throughput and, instead, by unfair means force upon the public such
throughput as results in the output of an undocumented economy covering up
corruption and unfair distribution of national resources, the phenomenon so
evident in all Muslim countries.
It is, therefore,
evident that broad based democracy of National Institutional Government is the
only way forward for the Muslim countries because Multi party system is in
conflict with the Quranic edict: .
I have observed, analyzed
and decoded the western and eastern civilizations and their economic reforms
and, accordingly, have crystal clear vision for centuries ahead. I have also acquired the expertise to develop
and give a practical shape to this broad outline of suggestions if the people
agree to adopt National government. We
would then need to set new public popular codes of society for NAME, FLAG,
ECONOMY, SOVEREIGNTY and UNITY for pragmatic and peaceful living. The idea is
compatible with the current democratic system of the world and will have an
inbuilt mechanism for the EVOLUTION of a New social welfare state. While the phenomenon of evolution is in
accordance with design and order of the universe, REVOLUTION is an evil act.
The Evolution of new codes will bring in practice an unwritten constitution of
six words for a social welfare state and the year 2012 will see a new civilized
nation on the Globe. I am available for any query or feedback for any MUSLIM
With kind regards,
(Syed Ammar
Cell: 0092-321-2345617
July 17, 2011
Majesty King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud,
of the Two Holy Mosques,
of Saudi Arabia.
undersigned is the CEO of Ahbab Associates (www.ahbab.com.pk),
which is a Pakistani business concern of thirty six years standing, and
has all along been interested in the history of civilisation.
only aim in life has been the reformation of the Muslim Ummah and I seek the
support of all Muslims and Muslim countries to achieve this noble goal. While Saudi Arabia is of prime importance for
the introduction of reforms in the Muslim Ummah.
will be noticed that the popular desire being aired globally for a democratic
dispensation, particularly since the advent of the 21st century,
requires an adjustment of our vision of political/governmental reorganization
in the light of human history. As you
are aware, democracy, which evolved in Polytheism/enlightenment (Adam
Weishaupt, the first utopian to think on the global scale, looked forward to
the day his group, the Illuminiati would bring about the Novus Ordo Seclorum,
sometimes called the New World Order), has had five goals, namely,
(a) Abolition
of monarchies and all ordered governments,
(b) Abolition
of private property and inheritances,
(c) Abolition
of patriotism and nationalism,
(d) Abolition
of family life and the institution of marriage, and the establishment
of communal
education of children,
(e) Abolition
of all religion.
As the foregoing goals were also the basic
requirement for establishing World Government/Global Village, the efforts made towards
this end resulted, after the fall of secularism, followed by that of
capitalism, in the WAR of TERROR
Because, however, such goals are
incompatible with, also negate, the do’s and don’ts prescribed by the Almighty,
the governing codes/constitutions in Muslim countries entail constant
revision/amendment tailored, most of the time, for the benefit of an elite
ruling class. Nevertheless, such frequent tinkering with the basic document not
only renders it impracticable and redundant but also promotes weak, but despotic
and dictatorial, governments. Since,
however, a dictatorship ignores public input for throughput and, instead, forces
the public, by unfair means for throughput, the result is an undocumented
economy which covers up the output corruption and unfair distribution of
national resources, the kind of phenomenon evident in most Muslim
countries. It need not be said, at this
stage, that a Multi party system is in conflict with the Quranic
Edict.[al-emran 103].
The need of the
time, therefore, is to move forward for evolving/introducing such style of good
governance as has the potential to achieve peace and prosperity nationally and as
well as internationally. In this context, I have worked out a sovereign
and design code for the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia
envisaging the following proposed steps:
1st Step: Renaming the Allegiance
Council as Saudi Board of Trustees to
serve the House of God, mosques and humans.
(renamed) Saudi Board of Trustees will, as per the flow chart of Institutional National
Government, entail the sharing of power amongst five institutions, namely,
education, commerce, judiciary, defence and executive, with reservation of the
basic right to rule the country for the house of SAUD as an executive body. It will manage the natural resources of the
nation through national commercial entities with share holding owned by the
house of SAUD and be able to administer the country in partnership with the
aforesaid national institutions.
kind of arrangement is compatible with national and international democratic
systems and can enable the rulers to introduce reforms from upward to
downward. Simultaneously, it has an
inbuilt mechanism to evolve reforms from downward to upwards, binding the
masses together as one, conforming to the SUPRASYSTEM. I have worked out this SYSTEM with Sub
Systems in the light of the SUPRASYSTEM.
2nd Step: Introducing a New Economic Order
a consumption-based system of (agricultural, industrial and commercial)
production, the new economic order will replace the existing
demand/supply-based system of production through NEO classic reforms entailing
evolutionary economic codes. It will aim
at creating unity between buyers and sellers who will be motivated by
partnership, common interest and welfare of society. It need not be emphasized,
at this stage, that only such unity is sustainable in the long run as binds the
masses in mutually beneficial economic relationships. Likewise, it is axiomatic
that economic advancement is possible only when the economic system does not
conflict, but harmonizes, with the ideology and religious reservations of the
3rd Step:
In so far as health, education, employment, housing and pension (for
every citizen) are concerned, they will be taken care of by a system designed
under the monotheistic supra system. In
this context, we need to evolve a welfare system which, at the grass roots
level, is not only self-financed and public-controlled but also free of any burden
for the government. To achieve this
goal, we would need the representation at all levels from four basic
institutions, namely, Education, Commerce, Justice and Civil Defence which will
also be in consonance with a social structure compatible with I.T. Culture.
4th Step:
The evolution of a Justified Taxation System compatible with supra
system and self-financed institutions subject, at all levels, to citizen input
and control.
5th Step:
Your Highness needs the services of a society architect, equipped with
optimum knowledge, who can evolve such method of fair and free public representation,
as a sub system of supra system, as is not only compatible with the existing
Saudi sovereign system but also guarantees a better future, enabling Saudi
Arabia, in the days to come, to shine as an economic model of a social welfare
state and to come up with a workable constitution based on a compatible social
contact. I am available for any query or
feedback for any national cause.
This flow chart is ready for presentation before your Most Exalted Royal
Highness and the Allegiance Council but will not be made public till approved
for implementation.
Your Highness is, accordingly, requested to call me for explaining the
IDEA personally.
Yours sincerely,
Cell: 0321-2345617
Ahbab House, Plot 174, Sector 30, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi, Pakistan.
October 29, 2011
His Royal Highness Crown Prince Nayef bin
Abdul Aziz Al-Saud,
Minister of the Interior,
PO Box 2933, Airport Road Riyadh 11134,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Dear Brother,
undersigned is the CEO of Ahbab Associates (www.ahbab.com.pk),
which is a Pakistani business concern of thirty six years standing, and
has all along been interested in the history of civilisation.
only aim in life has been the reformation of the Muslim Ummah and I seek the
support of all Muslims and Muslim countries to achieve this noble goal. While Saudi Arabia is of prime importance for
the introduction of reforms in the Muslim Ummah.
will be noticed that the popular desire being aired globally for a democratic
dispensation, particularly since the advent of the 21st century,
requires an adjustment of our vision of political/governmental reorganization
in the light of human history. As you
are aware, democracy, which evolved in Polytheism/enlightenment (Adam
Weishaupt, the first utopian to think on the global scale, looked forward to
the day his group, the Illuminiati would bring about the Novus Ordo Seclorum,
sometimes called the New World Order), has had five goals, namely,
(a) Abolition
of monarchies and all ordered governments,
(b) Abolition
of private property and inheritances,
(c) Abolition
of patriotism and nationalism,
(d) Abolition
of family life and the institution of marriage, and the establishment
of communal
education of children,
(e) Abolition
of all religion.
As the foregoing goals were also the basic
requirement for establishing World Government/Global Village, the efforts made towards
this end resulted, after the fall of secularism, followed by that of
capitalism, in the WAR of TERROR.
Because, however, such goals are
incompatible with, also negate, the do’s and don’ts prescribed by the Almighty,
the governing codes/constitutions in Muslim countries entail constant
revision/amendment tailored, most of the time, for the benefit of an elite
ruling class. Nevertheless, such frequent tinkering with the basic document not
only renders it impracticable and redundant but also promotes weak, but despotic
and dictatorial, governments. Since,
however, a dictatorship ignores public input for throughput and, instead, forces
the public, by unfair means for throughput, the result is an undocumented
economy which covers up the output corruption and unfair distribution of
national resources, the kind of phenomenon evident in most Muslim
countries. It need not be said, at this
stage, that a Multi party system is in conflict with the Quranic
Edict.[al-emran 103].
The need of the
time, therefore, is to move forward for evolving/introducing such style of good
governance as has the potential to achieve peace and prosperity nationally and as
well as internationally. In this context, I have worked out a sovereign
and design code for the Kingdom
of Saudi Arabia
envisaging the following proposed steps:
1st Step: Renaming the Allegiance
Council هئثه البيعته as Saudi
Board of Trustees to serve the House of God, mosques and humans. مجلس
الامناء السعودى لخدمته بىت الله والمساجد والبشر
(renamed) Saudi Board of Trustees will, as per the flow chart of Institutional
National Government, entail the sharing of power amongst five institutions,
namely, education, commerce, judiciary, defence and executive, with reservation
of the basic right to rule the country for the house of SAUD as an executive
body. It will manage the natural
resources of the nation through national commercial entities with share holding
owned by the house of SAUD and be able to administer the country in partnership
with the aforesaid national institutions.
kind of arrangement is compatible with national and international democratic
systems and can enable the rulers to introduce reforms from upward to
downward. Simultaneously, it has an
inbuilt mechanism to evolve reforms from downward to upwards, binding the
masses together as one, conforming to the SUPRASYSTEM. I have worked out this SYSTEM with Sub
Systems in the light of the SUPRASYSTEM.
2nd Step: Introducing a New Economic Order
a consumption-based system of (agricultural, industrial and commercial)
production, the new economic order will replace the existing
demand/supply-based system of production through NEO classic reforms entailing
evolutionary economic codes. It will aim
at creating unity between buyers and sellers who will be motivated by
partnership, common interest and welfare of society. It need not be emphasized,
at this stage, that only such unity is sustainable in the long run as binds the
masses in mutually beneficial economic relationships. Likewise, it is axiomatic
that economic advancement is possible only when the
system does not conflict, but harmonizes, with the ideology and religious
reservations of the masses.
3rd Step:
In so far as health, education, employment, housing and pension (for
every citizen) are concerned, they will be taken care of by a system designed
under the monotheistic supra system. In
this context, we need to evolve a welfare system which, at the grass roots
level, is not only self-financed and public-controlled but also free of any
burden for the government. To achieve
this goal, we would need the representation at all levels from four basic institutions,
namely, Education, Commerce, Justice and Civil Defence which will also be in
consonance with a social structure compatible with I.T. Culture.
4th Step:
The evolution of a Justified Taxation System compatible with supra
system and self-financed institutions subject, at all levels, to citizen input
and control.
5th Step:
Your Highness needs the services of a society architect, equipped with
optimum knowledge, who can evolve such method of fair and free public representation,
as a sub system of supra system, as is not only compatible with the existing
Saudi sovereign system but also guarantees a better future, enabling Saudi
Arabia, in the days to come, to shine as an economic model of a social welfare
state and to come up with a workable constitution based on a compatible social
contact. I am available for any query or
feedback for any national cause.
This flow chart is ready for presentation before your Most Exalted Royal
Highness and the Allegiance Council but will not be made public till approved
for implementation.
Your Highness is, accordingly, requested to call me for explaining the
IDEA personally.
Yours sincerely,
(Society Architect)
Cell: 0321-2345617
Office: Ahbab House, Plot 174, Sector 30, Korangi Industrial Area,
Karachi, Pakistan.
October 12, 2011
To, His
Majesty King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud,
Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques,
Office of His Majesty the King, Royal
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Dear Brother,
While the 21st century is witnessing the
disintegration of nations, cultures and civilizations, our response to these
developments has been merely defensive,
leading to unforeseen, but unending, interference of the West.
Since, in the world of today, no country, whether an
acknowledged super power, a thickly populated nation or a state endowed with
abundant natural resources, can, on its own, aspire to address all regional and
international issues, the desirability of an alliance, union or block of
countries cannot be over emphasized.
A regional perspective for the defence and security of
a country being, thus, the only viable option today, the people of the region
comprising Turkey, SYRIA,EGYPT,MORROCO,SAUDI ARABIA, Yemen and Pakistan, may
like to organize the DOORS (Defence organization of regional safety) for the
following purposes, namely -
a common force to safeguard the borders and sovereignty of each member and, in
that context, to therein establish at least one DOORS unit.
upon a worthy conclusion of the war on/of terror, of the personnel of the
conflicting forces, the elimination/unarming of all active terrorist groups
and, in due course, the establishment of sustainable peace all over the world.
and supporting each member, without causing harm to any other member, to fully
exploit and utilise its natural resources so as to advance its economic growth
and promote free trade in the region and beyond.
joint defence against aggression, or fear of aggression, faced by a member at
the hands of any non- DOORS entity so that the land, sea and air borders of
such member remain unaltered and the economic and social well being of its
people remains undisturbed.
If the foregoing proposal is, upon being developed in
the light of global and regional realities, given a practical shape, it is
likely to generate an inbuilt mechanism for the establishment of Global Peace.
A copy of the regional map is attached for ready
With regards,
(Society Architect) Cell:
0092-321-2345617 www.suprasystem.org
House, Plot 174, Sector 30, Korangi Industrial Area, Karachi, Pakistan
2) Eurasia Order
Honourable Vladimir Putin
President of Federation of Russia 27th September 2005
Moscow - Russia
At the very outset of 21st century, the
world at large is confronting with disintegration of nations, cultures and
civilizations. I wish to invite your kind attention towards the necessity of
today’s world. Today no country can alone address the international and
regional issues despite having abundance in its resources. May it be super
power or thickly populated country like China, it either way requires to
have an alliance, union or block with other nations. The economic unity is
always the successful unity within a Union,
which binds the masses and nations in the relationship of mutual necessity.
Economic advancement is possible only when an economic system, harmonious with
the ideology and religious reservation of masses is formulated. I have
observed, analyzed and decoded the western and Eastern civilizations for
nineteen years and have practical exposure to almost forty countries. I have a
Crystal clear vision of a pragmatic and peaceful world order. Tentative maps of
future world order are attached for your keen consideration.
therefore propose that a foundation be set for common market, common
investment, common currency, common interest and co-existence. As a first step Russia, China, India, Israel and Pakistan should
join as founding members of EEWAF (an abbreviation of East
Europe and West Asia Foundation).
All five countries should adopt a system for supply chain within the common
It would be
imperative to establish first five common institutions in common market i.e.
common bank, united oil, union lines, united motors and adam stores. Common
Bank will be established with common investment of member countries by issuing
20% shares to governments, 20% shares to the industrialists, 20% shares to
importer and exporters, 20% shares to existing banks and 20% shares to general
public of common market. Common bank should have a common currency EEWA=10
Deci. All members currency exchange rate will take place on their growth and
financial strength. First two years EEWA will be only transactional
To provide
Headquarter and industrial central Field I will suggest to establish COINS
INvestment State). In COINS two
cities, one trading zone, three industrial estates and one university should be
developed immediately. Simultaneously a common public ranking and common social
welfare system should be designed for health, education, employment, housing
and pension for every citizen of common market. An ideal welfare system can be
put into practical shape which is self earned, public controlled and burdenless
for the governments. To reinstate honour of human, state, culture, civilization
and religion we will be needing one global agreement named TOP. Finally
for balance and peaceful Globe, four organizations will be established JOIN,
I am sure that such a foundation can achieve decisive industrial and economic growth
within five years.
Year 2010 will
see an economic super power. So you are kindly requested to look into the IDEA
from all aspects and please feel free to call or write back.
Best Wishes
Encl: 6 PAGES

3)Euro Order 29, Dec-2006
29, Dec-2006
President Jacques Chirac
Palais de l’ Elysee
Paris, France
Dear President Chirac,
I express my warm wishes to
you and the French government to play a strong role for the E.U for the world leadership.
Following is the brief view of Democracy and proposal for the world leadership
through broad based democracy.
Long ago the visionary Kings
impressed by the balance of three natural forces. AIR, FIRE and WATER, created
three institutions EXECUTIVE, PARLIAMENT and JUDICIARY for check and balance.
In the process of time every one tried to Balance the sovereign code in an agricultural
society. This balance became popular as DEMOCRACY. Which paved the way for
professional to work independently. Their research unfolded the logic of
natural forces. The knowledge to use natural forces for well being of human,
frightened the Kings’ Power. It created a conflict between Kings and
Philosophers/Scientists. The social code of agricultural society was not
compatible for professionals.
A wise King analyzed the
cultural and social problem and extended the border of DEMOCRACY from Finger to
Foot. He established institutions and facilitated professionals for research.
He discovered common numerical codes from finger to foot and designed grid,
time, space, weight, and measurement codes based on IDEOLOGY CODES. These
reforms paved the way for capitalists. The material attraction of desperate and
poor nations got trapped in colonialism. Which resulted World War I and II.
A wise nation after World War
II Extended his ideology border to “in God we Trust” with multiple numerical
codes for an industrial society.
This resulted an unmatchable Economics advancement of this nation. They
provided a stage to poor and disable nations to settle their grievances. The
slogan of “Human rights” rewarded him popularity and might. During this Process
the world was at large divided into two blocks believer and nonbeliever. Both
the blocks confronted and non believer block was disintegrated into many
countries leaving the world in the hand of single power. Specialization of
mighty nation in every field of Economic advancement, and information
Technology created a theory “Why worry
over distant future events? Take the day as it comes”.
Advancement of information
Technology has caused Truth to manifest itself against all odds. The
credentials of truth are known by the test of time, Good, right and truth are
final, these do not merely come and go but creates new situation to restore the
true balance disturbed by evil, wrong and falsehood. The time theme and its
mystery with relation to human history demands to get our vision adjusted to
the logic of events as they have unfolded themselves in the very beginning of
21st century.
The present world of ours is
confronting with disintegration of nations, cultures and civilizations. At the
same time E.U. is uniting countries. This is Global necessity for world
leadership. The world is focusing on the dictum DIVIDE AND RULE while the time demands the Philosophy
human controversies are vain and inconclusive. If you and we put our trust in
“God” we belong to one brotherhood. We should recover the balance that has been
upset by evil forces before it is too late. We can not change ideology or
civilization but we can harmonize diverse culture. The rules of refined social
ethics are as necessary to teach today as it was centuries ago. I request the
E.U. to take initiative, step forward and perform this noble Job. To restore
true values of right and wrong.
Time demands a broad based
Democracy. Its application is only possible as CORPORATE CULTURE based on public ranking for discipline and
an ideal welfare system for education, employment, housing, health and pension
compatible with all existing cultures and religion will be put into practical
shape as self earned, public controlled and burden less for the government.
This corporate culture will attract masses souls’ voice and would definitely win
support for co-existence and will move the world to a Uni-system. The economic
unity is always the successful unity which binds the masses and nations in the
relationship of mutual Harmony. Economic advancement is possible only when an
economic system, harmonious with ideology and Cultural reservations of masses
is formulated.
The E.U needs a common state
(CS) to establish global and E.U headquarter for world leadership. To reinstate
dignity of human, state, culture, civilization and religion. We will be needing
five global organizations WON, OUR, GOOD, JOIN and PACT. My Vision is clear for
centuries ahead to interlock and synchronize regional, international and global
codes for the pragmatic and peaceful world. If this broad outline of suggestion
is developed and given a practical shape. It will have an inbuilt mechanism of
world leadership. Year 2010 will see E.U a global power of good, right and
truth. Please feel free to call or write back for the cause of human well
With Profound regards
Syed Ammar Bukhari
4)German Order 29, Dec-2006
29, Dec-2006
Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel
Willy-Brandt-StraBe 1
10557 Berlin
Dear Chancellor,
I express my warm wishes to
you and the French government to play a strong role for the E.U for the world leadership.
Following is the brief view of Democracy and proposal for the world leadership
through broad based democracy.
Long ago the visionary Kings
impressed by the balance of three natural forces. AIR, FIRE and WATER, created
three institutions EXECUTIVE, PARLIAMENT and JUDICIARY for check and balance.
In the process of time every one tried to Balance the sovereign code in an agricultural
society. This balance became popular as DEMOCRACY. Which paved the way for
professional to work independently. Their research unfolded the logic of
natural forces. The knowledge to use natural forces for well being of human,
frightened the Kings’ Power. It created a conflict between Kings and
Philosophers/Scientists. The social code of agricultural society was not
compatible for professionals.
A wise King analyzed the
cultural and social problem and extended the border of DEMOCRACY from Finger to
Foot. He established institutions and facilitated professionals for research.
He discovered common numerical codes from finger to foot and designed grid,
time, space, weight, and measurement codes based on IDEOLOGY CODES. These
reforms paved the way for capitalists. The material attraction of desperate and
poor nations got trapped in colonialism. Which resulted World War I and II.
A wise nation after World War
II Extended his ideology border to “in God we Trust” with multiple numerical
codes for an industrial society.
This resulted an unmatchable Economics advancement of this nation. They
provided a stage to poor and disable nations to settle their grievances. The
slogan of “Human rights” rewarded him popularity and might. During this Process
the world was at large divided into two blocks believer and nonbeliever. Both
the blocks confronted and non believer block was disintegrated into many
countries leaving the world in the hand of single power. Specialization of
mighty nation in every field of Economic advancement, and information
Technology created a theory “Why worry
over distant future events? Take the day as it comes”.
Advancement of information
Technology has caused Truth to manifest itself against all odds. The
credentials of truth are known by the test of time, Good, right and truth are
final, these do not merely come and go but creates new situation to restore the
true balance disturbed by evil, wrong and falsehood. The time theme and its
mystery with relation to human history demands to get our vision adjusted to
the logic of events as they have unfolded themselves in the very beginning of
21st century.
The present world of ours is
confronting with disintegration of nations, cultures and civilizations. At the
same time E.U. is uniting countries. This is Global necessity for world
leadership. The world is focusing on the dictum DIVIDE AND RULE while the time demands the Philosophy
human controversies are vain and inconclusive. If you and we put our trust in
“God” we belong to one brotherhood. We should recover the balance that has been
upset by evil forces before it is too late. We can not change ideology or civilization
but we can harmonize diverse culture. The rules of refined social ethics are as
necessary to teach today as it was centuries ago. I request the E.U. to take
initiative, step forward and perform this noble Job. To restore true values of
right and wrong.
Time demands a broad based
Democracy. Its application is only possible as CORPORATE CULTURE based on public ranking for discipline and
an ideal welfare system for education, employment, housing, health and pension
compatible with all existing cultures and religion will be put into practical
shape as self earned, public controlled and burden less for the government.
This corporate culture will attract masses souls’ voice and would definitely win
support for co-existence and will move the world to a Uni-system. The economic
unity is always the successful unity which binds the masses and nations in the
relationship of mutual Harmony. Economic advancement is possible only when an
economic system, harmonious with ideology and Cultural reservations of masses
is formulated.
The E.U needs a common state
(CS) to establish global and E.U headquarter for world leadership. To reinstate
dignity of human, state, culture, civilization and religion. We will be needing
five global organizations WON, OUR, GOOD, JOIN and PACT. My Vision is clear for
centuries ahead to interlock and synchronize regional, international and global
codes for the pragmatic and peaceful world. If this broad outline of suggestion
is developed and given a practical shape. It will have an inbuilt mechanism of
world leadership. Year 2010 will see E.U a global power of good, right and
truth. Please feel free to call or write back for the cause of human well
With Profound regards
Syed Ammar Bukhari

September 09-2006
1) His Excellency George W. Bush
President of U.S.A
2) His Excellency Jose Manuel Barroso
President of European
3) His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI
Honorable Joseph
Your Excellency,
I would like to draw your kind attention towards the
Quranic Verse in chapter-5 SURA
ALMAIDAH VERSE – 82 which says:
And you will find the nearest in love to the believers (Muslims) those
who say: “We
are Christians.” That is because amongst them are priests and monks
and they are not proud.”
This Quranic advice for Muslims is quite rational and
practical as it was rightly manifested in
1980 eighties; when a global alliance of Muslims and
Christians fought a war against super power. The Christian- Muslim alliance
successfully disintegrated the super power. This success made other nations and
global players pessimistic about their future against this unity and brought
Muslims and Christians at war against each other. We should identify our common
religious beliefs and economic interests for unity. We should set aside the
bitterness of our past. Christian Technology in collaboration with Muslim
militancy and steadfastness can emerge as an invincible global Power.
The Geo-Political
currents can help different nations form linguistic and Cultural Alliances that
may yield diverse results to jeopardize the peace of the world. It seems high
time to channelize the flux of time for the execution of the constructive move
based upon the universal harmony. We should give a global call for broad base
religious Unity, as the Europe itself needs
the Christian Unity to keep intact its western unity.
We can observe
that the world is divided into two categories: Believers of revealed Religions
(Jews, Christians, and Muslims) and Believers of Non-revealed Religions
(Buddhist and Hindus etc.) The Non-revealed religions sitting at the corner of
the world, united together have launched undeclared economic war on the
followers of Revealed Religions and have
dumped, either copied or counterfeit products into our markets. So the world
should be divided into two natural segments of heavenly and non heavenly
religious believers, and we are lucky that you, being the Europe
leader, are among the believers of heavenly religions and have faith in God and
this Divine trust is the common distinction of all the three God believers
(Jews, Christians, and Muslims). The
three nations should form a unity
to block the economic invasion of non believers of God to counter the threat of
Two Powers HINDU
AND BUDH with one third world Population (China and India) without
any alliance designed new world order successfully and brought Muslims and
Christians at war. This has created a Gulf between Muslims and
Christians. Muslim-Christian conflict can give two results.
Firstly, if Christian win, in this case
third Power (most Probably Russian, Chinese and Indian alliance) will Unite and
start fresh war against the winner for domination in consumer market and
control of Oil source with the unconditional support of son of soil.
Secondly, if Christians and
Muslims continue fighting for another two years with no clear victory. This
situation will attract Third Power to interfere and engage Christians with
another task, i.e. Iran and Korea and
shall create a situation of third world war. After this, third Power can give
global call to the public for popular codes. Human Rights and State
Sovereignty which will encourage public to overthrow dictators/rulers.
Both the
situations are not favorable. I will request, please give attention to RUSSIA and
Muslim countries to join us as our ally and we should address their worries and
grievances and we must not let them join our enemy HINDU and BUDH. The World War II substantiates my vision.
During this war, when European and Asian nations were fighting against each
other; lost the war and less involved nations the U.S.A and the U.S.S.R, rose
to a meteoric Power. Can we afford China and India as world
Power closest to oil reserves?
Mr. President,
this will not only identify our enemy but also create a vast consumer market
and will develop a fear of God, and a God fearing nation in collaboration with
modern technology shall bear fruitful results with minimum crime rate and shall
bring up more healthy society. If these broad outlines of suggestion is
developed and given a practical shape it will have an inbuilt mechanism of
permanent global Peace.
Best wishes for
global Peace
29, Dec-2006
Honorable Jose Manuel Barroso
President of the
European Commission
Your Excellency,
I express my warm wishes to
you to play a strong role for the E.U for the world leadership. Following is
the brief view of Democracy and proposal for the world leadership through broad
based democracy.
Long ago the visionary Kings
impressed by the balance of three natural forces. AIR, FIRE and WATER, created
three institutions EXECUTIVE, PARLIAMENT and JUDICIARY for check and balance.
In the process of time every one tried to Balance the sovereign code in an agricultural
society. This balance became popular as DEMOCRACY. Which paved the way for
professional to work independently. Their research unfolded the logic of
natural forces. The knowledge to use natural forces for well being of human,
frightened the Kings’ Power. It created a conflict between Kings and
Philosophers/Scientists. The social code of agricultural society was not
compatible for professionals.
A wise King analyzed the
cultural and social problem and extended the border of DEMOCRACY from Finger to
Foot. He established institutions and facilitated professionals for research.
He discovered common numerical codes from finger to foot and designed grid,
time, space, weight, and measurement codes based on IDEOLOGY CODES. These
reforms paved the way for capitalists. The material attraction of desperate and
poor nations got trapped in colonialism. Which resulted World War I and II.
A wise nation after World War
II Extended his ideology border to “in God we Trust” with multiple numerical
codes for an industrial society.
This resulted an unmatchable Economics advancement of this nation. They
provided a stage to poor and disable nations to settle their grievances. The
slogan of “Human rights” rewarded him popularity and might. During this Process
the world was at large divided into two blocks believer and nonbeliever. Both
the blocks confronted and non believer block was disintegrated into many
countries leaving the world in the hand of single power. Specialization of
mighty nation in every field of Economic advancement, and information
Technology created a theory “Why worry
over distant future events? Take the day as it comes”.
Advancement of information
Technology has caused Truth to manifest itself against all odds. The
credentials of truth are known by the test of time, Good, right and truth are
final, these do not merely come and go but creates new situation to restore the
true balance disturbed by evil, wrong and falsehood. The time theme and its
mystery with relation to human history demands to get our vision adjusted to
the logic of events as they have unfolded themselves in the very beginning of
21st century.
The present world of ours is
confronting with disintegration of nations, cultures and civilizations. At the
same time E.U. is uniting countries. This is Global necessity for world
leadership. The world is focusing on the dictum DIVIDE AND RULE while the time demands the Philosophy
human controversies are vain and inconclusive. If you and we put our trust in
“God” we belong to one brotherhood. We should recover the balance that has been
upset by evil forces before it is too late. We can not change ideology or
civilization but we can harmonize diverse culture. The rules of refined social
ethics are as necessary to teach today as it was centuries ago. I request the
E.U. to take initiative, step forward and perform this noble Job. To restore
true values of right and wrong.
Time demands a broad based
Democracy. Its application is only possible as CORPORATE CULTURE based on public ranking for discipline and
an ideal welfare system for education, employment, housing, health and pension
compatible with all existing cultures and religion will be put into practical
shape as self earned, public controlled and burden less for the government.
This corporate culture will attract masses souls’ voice and would definitely win
support for co-existence and will move the world to a Uni-system. The economic
unity is always the successful unity which binds the masses and nations in the
relationship of mutual Harmony. Economic advancement is possible only when an
economic system, harmonious with ideology and Cultural reservations of masses
is formulated.
The E.U needs a common state
(CS) to establish global and E.U headquarter for world leadership. To reinstate
dignity of human, state, culture, civilization and religion. We will be needing
five global organizations WON, OUR, GOOD, JOIN and PACT. My Vision is clear for
centuries ahead to interlock and synchronize regional, international and global
codes for the pragmatic and peaceful world. If this broad outline of suggestion
is developed and given a practical shape. It will have an inbuilt mechanism of
world leadership. Year 2010 will see E.U a global power of good, right and
truth. Please feel free to call or write back for the cause of human well
With Profound regards
Syed Ammar Bukhari
5)UCS Order July 21, 2007
July 21, 2007
Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero
President of Spain
Your Excellency,
I wish to
invite your kind attention towards a noble job of restoration of the true
values of Spanish society. I have observed, analyzed and decoded the Western and
Eastern Civilizations and their social and economic impacts on society, nationally
and globally for nineteen years. I realize the full import of the new world
which is being shaped by nature. The ground of history is being prepared for a new
world of Information Technology. Leaders provide a beacon for the right path at
a right time to the nation and rulers keep the nation aligned toward the path
guided by the leader. This is the duty of government to give the right lead to
their people. Following is the brief view of Democracy.
Long ago the visionary Kings impressed by the balance
of three natural forces. AIR, FIRE and WATER, created three institutions
EXECUTIVE, PARLIAMENT and JUDICIARY for check and balance. In the process of
time every one tried to Balance the sovereign code in an agricultural society. Later
on this balance became popular as democracy. This paved the way for
professional to work independently. Their research unfolded the logic of
natural forces. The knowledge to use natural forces for well being of human,
frightened the Kings’ Power. It created a conflict between Kings and Philosophers/Scientists.
The social code of agricultural society was not compatible for professionals.
KING analyzed the cultural and social problem and extended the border
of Democracy from Finger to Foot. He realized the new world which was being
shaped. He established institutions and facilitated professionals for research.
He discovered common numerical codes from finger to foot and designed grid,
time, space, weight, and measurement codes based on IDEOLOGY CODES. This social
contract is known as DEMOCRACY. These reforms paved the way for capitalism and
provided Global stage to rule the world.
We can observe that the world is divided into two categories:
Believers of revealed Religions (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) and Non-Believers
(Buddhist, Hindus and others). A wise nation after World War II Extended his
ideology border to “IN GOD WE TRUST” with multiple numerical codes for an industrial society. This
resulted an unmatchable Economics advancement of this nation. They provided a
stage to poor and disabled nations to settle their grievances. The slogan of
“Human rights” rewarded him popularity and might. During this Process the world
was at large divided into two blocks, believers and nonbelievers. Both the
blocks confronted and non-believers block was disintegrated into many countries
leaving the world in the hands of single power. Specialization of mighty nation
in every field of Economic advancement, and information Technology created a
theory “Why worry over distant future
events? Take the day as it comes”.
Advancement of information Technology has caused Truth
to manifest itself against all odds. The credentials of truth are known by the
test of time, Good, right and truth are final, these do not merely come and go
but create a new situation to restore the true balance disturbed by evil, wrong
and falsehood. The time theme and its mystery with relation to human history
demands to get our vision adjusted to
the logic of events as they have unfolded themselves in the very beginning
of 21st century.
The present world of ours is confronting with
disintegration of nations, cultures and civilizations. The world is focusing on
the dictum DIVIDE AND RULE
while the time demands the Philosophy of UNITE AND SERVE. The human controversies are vain and
inconclusive. If you and we put our trust in “God” we belong to one
brotherhood. We should recover the balance that has been upset by evil forces
before it is too late. We can not change ideology or civilization but we can
harmonize diverse culture. The rules of refined social ethics are as
necessary to teach today as it was centuries ago.
Time demands a broad based Democracy. Its application is only possible as CORPORATE CULTURE based on
public ranking for discipline and an ideal welfare system for education,
employment, housing, health and pension compatible to all existing cultures and
religions. This should be put into practical shape as self earned, public
controlled and burden less for the government. This corporate culture will
attract masses soul’s voice and would definitely win support for co-existence
and will move the world to a Uni-system. The economic unity is always the
successful unity which binds the masses and nations in the relationship of
mutual Harmony. Economic advancement is possible only when an economic system,
harmonious with ideology and Cultural reservations of masses is formulated.
My request is, please step forward and establish
Spanish union for development of social and economic cooperation between
Spanish speaking states for broad based democracy compatible to the new world
of I.T. To reinstate dignity of human, state, culture, civilization and
religion, we need to set new public popular codes of society for NAME, FLAG,
ECONOMY, SOVEREIGNTY and UNITY for the pragmatic and peaceful world. I have
crystal clear vision for centuries ahead and expertise to develop and give
practical shape to this broad outline of suggestion. The idea is compatible to
the current democratic system of the world. It will have an inbuilt mechanism
of EVOLUTION of New world Leader. Evolution is in accordance with design and
order of the universe, where as REVOLUTION is an evil act.
I draw your attention towards the necessity of today’s
world. Today no country can alone address the regional and global issues, may
it be super power or thickly populated country like China, it either way
requires to have an alliance, union or block with other like mind nations. Now
time demands a new world stage to restore the true balance disturbed by History.
Geographically Spain
is ideally located in the centre of the world. It has suitable places for Union
Capital, World Centre, and Universal
Point. Common language is major player for union and this job is done
by History perfectly. The most
suitable name covering my vision from Union
Capital to Universal Point
is. U.C.S. - UNITED
Spain missed the opportunity to introduce social contract
and constitution on world stage to lead the world in fifteenth century after discovery
of the new world. I request your honor, please grant me an audience for
submitting new codes of Broad based democracy (Corporate Culture). Spanish time
will become central time of the world in 2010.
The evolution of new codes will bring in practice an unwritten constitution
based on three or six words compatible to all civilizations. Year 2012 will see U.C.S an economic Leader/Power
on world stage.
Best wishes for a peacefully
Sincerely yours
Syed Ammar Bukhari
Cell: 0092-321-2345617